Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Tips for preventing someone from stealing your idea-

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Tips for preventing someone from stealing your idea- 5 Tips for Preventing Idea Theft   Self-promotion is a vital activity for everyone and sometimes harder for Introverts.   Just because it can be a challenge, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done.   No one but you will promote your cause. There are various things you can do that constitute self-promotion and one of those is promoting your great ideas. Creative idea generation is as important as your ability to get results and take responsibility for things. The problem you can face is what to do when you discover someone has ripped off your great idea.   It’s more than just irritating, it won’t enhance your career if you aren’t acknowledged for an idea that is given ownership to someone else.   Especially, if that idea is a seriously good one. Here’s some tips for you to consider to help prevent or to deal with this issue: There is some good news with what youve said and that is that someone thinks your ideas have merit or they wouldnt have chosen to share it as their own. Being mimicked is a high form of flattery. That said, the downside to this situation is that you dont get credited for the good idea.  Your good ideas are  part of your self-promotion, its how people come to view your potential.  Let me just say this to set your expectations you can never completely protect your ideas.  You can do some things to help reduce the likelihood of other people taking credit. When you toss out an idea, toss it out to more than 1 person.  It doesnt have to be at the same time but you will find that the more people hear your ideas; they will know its yours.  That way if someone does try to represent the idea as yours, others will know it came from you. When appropriate, document your idea via email.  Again, its hard to represent something that is in black and white and sent to others. This may take some effort, but you can inject a quick ownership sound bite when someone has talked up your idea as their own.  You could say something like I guess you really did like my idea.  We should talk about it some more.  Its important for you to realize that when someone does this, it usually isnt done with foul intent.  We all have tons of information coming at us all the time and dont always remember its origins.  I have a couple people very close to me that do this all the time. If you do know that someone has done this not only repeatedly but to undermine you, you need to stop sharing with them if you can.  Understand that your boss may do this to you (as well as others in your group) and that situation is different. Sometimes, management does represent ideas, work and results as theirs to simplify communication.  In some ways, they have to represent everything going on in their group and it may not be appropriate to detail out every single persons contribution.  The main thing is that the boss does recognize YOUR ideas and contributions. You may need to ultimately confront your offender or discuss this issue with your boss for their guidance.   Only take these steps if the tips outlined above have failed to stop a “repeat offender”. Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective. But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

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